Key Knowledge Tests

Key Knowledge tests

In order to assess whether students have learnt the information, every flash card (piece of key knowledge) has an associated, robust, multiple-choice question.
Over 1,000 , auto-marked, multiple choice questions to match every Key Knowledge revision flashcard.
This is to enable you to track which pieces of content students can recall and which they can’t. Some schools have found this very useful for interleaving. All questions are auto-marked and provide students with instant feedback.
Data is stored in our reporting system and provides teachers with a detailed view as to how students are doing.

The Key knowledge revision cards are included in the ‘Key Knowledge’ package. Want to find out more about these tests? Click here.

Yearly fee : £0.60 / student

This feature has to be bought as a package with the associated key knowledge flash cards which is included in the price above.

You also get free access to our video bank so that videos can be added to tasks to support students who are struggling

Quick Info

  • Over 1,000, auto marked, multiple choice questions covering key aspects from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths & How Science Works.
  • Videos can automatically be assigned in order to support students if they are struggling to understand something (inc. in this package)
  • Instant feedback provided so students can see what the correct answer(s) were.
  • Includes all the GCSE Science equations and maths content
  • Key diagrams to help students visual more difficult concepts