KS3 & GCSE Science
Online Formative Assessment for Science Homework and Classwork.
Quick & easy to set tasks which are auto-marked. Great for tracking progress over time and interleaving.
Set personalised intervention tasks automatically.
Track & analyse progress by subject, topic or subtopic.
- - KS3 & KS4 adaptive learning programme based on retrieval practice & spaced learning
- - Bitesize flash cards for almost every part of the science syllabus
- - Multiple choice questions to match each flash card
- - Videos to help cement understanding
- - Practice calculation questions, with worked solutions
- - Reports to track progress per task & over time & effort
- - Store exam data to build up a detailed, robust picture over time

Key Knowledge flash cards
KS3 and KS4 content has been broken down into manageable, bitesize flash-cards to help students learn the content.

Practice calculation questions
Over 800 practice calculation questions for Key Stage 3 and Science GCSEs. Again, they are auto-marked and students are provided with worked solutions if they get it wrong.

Support students understanding of Key Stage 3 and GCSE Science content with our bank of video (provided by freesciencelessons.co.uk & Revision Monkey) or add your own links.

Key Knowledge tests
Auto-marked questions for every piece of Key Knowledge in order to assess whether students can recall that piece of Knowledge for Science GCSE’s and KS3.

Results Grid
Upload assessment/exam results taken in class so that the data is stored against our content tree, enabling you to track progress over the years and clearly identify gaps in student’s learning. Then via science surgery’s personalised intervention tasks and in-class work close these gaps.

There are a variety of different reports available. Analyse each task or progress over time by year group, class or individual student. For example, see their strengths and weaknesses against our science content tree which you can drill down from subject level down to topics and into subtopics. Enabling you to see where intervention is required.

Retrieval App
This incorporates some of the key educational research into the cognitive science as to the most effective methods for students to learn. We Science surgery is developed using powerful retrieval, interleaving and spaced-learning software that adapts to each student to provide a personalised learning experience.
- Retrieval based practice
- Spaced learning
- Varying practice and support
More about
Science Surgery
Are you looking for an online science platform that can do all of this:
- Set revision tasks for students in order to support their learning of the key knowledge within the Science GCSE
- Test students to see whether they have learnt the key knowledge required by using auto-marked multiple choice questions
- Set auto-marked biology, chemistry and physics calculation questions which you can track
- Quickly generate personalised intervention tasks based on each student’s weakest areas from the multiple choice key knowledge tasks or the calculation questions
- Set videos to support each student’s personalised learning in case they get stuck from our online bank*
- Track your own uploaded science exam results alongside our data
- Upload & set your own resources which can be quickly set and sent out based on each student’s weakest areas from their exam results
- View detailed reports for year groups, classes or individual students. This provides comprehensive analysis of progress and areas for development by subject, topic or subtopic.
All of our online tasks are auto-marked, tracked & analysed to enable students to progress quickly and easily.
We honestly believe that there is nothing else like this in the market. Finally, you can try all of this free for 3 months**…. what’s not to like!? Get started by signing up here.
*Videos are kindly provided by freesciencelessons.co.uk
**For a limited number of schools and for a limited period of time

Have they learnt it?
Help them progress
Learn it
- Over 1000 Key Knowledge flashcards to make learning easier.
- Videos to help students understand the content.
- More time for ‘deeper’ learning and application of knowledge in class.
Personalised intervention
- Students and teachers can automatically set a variety of personalised intervention tasks.
- Powerful tool for interleaving.
Track & Monitor progress
- Analyse strengths & areas for development.
- Build up a detailed, robust, diagnostic picture over time.
Low stake testing
- Auto-marked multiple choice questions for every piece of Key Knowledge.
- Auto-marked calculation questions with worked answers.
- Track & analysis their progress over time.
- Automatically assign personalised intervention tasks you’ve created.
The aim of this is to support students learning but also to try and free up teachers time in class allowing more time for ‘deeper’ learning and application of knowledge rather than ploughing through the vast content present in the new science GCSE.
You can analyse by year group, class or individual student how they are getting on with a variety of different options. For example, see how long students are spending on homework, see their strengths and weaknesses and drill down from subject level down to topics and even subtopics to really enable you to see where intervention is required.
You could use this to decide which topics to use for interleaving.
You can track students’ progress year on year, so for example from year 9 all the way through to year 11. This enables you to build up a really detailed and robust, diagnostic picture.
As students’ progress through the curriculum these will help you build up a picture as to the strengths and weaknesses. These can be drilled down form year group level right down to a specific student.
All of these questions are marked automatically and provide students with the solutions if they do go wrong so that they can see where they are going wrong.
Practice calculation questions: We have over 700 practice calculation questions linking to virtually all specification points. Each question is auto-marked and provides students with worked answers if they get it wrong. In some cases it will even tell students where they went wrong and what they should have done to gain full marks.
Create a template by assigning questions in the exam to areas of our content tree in order to track the progress of your students.
From this you can create your own invention tasks and let our system assign these to each student based upon the results they entered, and all at the click of a button.
Track the results from exams from year 9 and by the time they are in year 11 you will know exactly where their strengths and weaknesses lie, empowering you to make effective intervention.
Explore all features in
Science Surgery
Results grids & Videos
Results grids: The ability to upload students results from assessments done in class into our [...]
Key Knowledge Revision
Flash cards to help students revise and learn the content. Students can struggle to find [...]
Key Knowledge Tests
In order to assess whether students have learnt the information, every flash card (piece of [...]
Tracking & Reporting
ScienceSurgery offers several reports which enable you to track the progress of your students. You [...]
GCSE Science calculation questions
We have over 700 practice calculation questions covering virtually all specification points. Each question is auto-marked and [...]